Free Playstation Network Points!

Get a $20 PSN Points Card for FREE!

- That's right. No cash, credit card, or payment require!

Do you need a code for Playstation Network? Getting it free will also help in your quest for getting one. Emailed straight to you, you can get a $20 - $50 instantly! Points2shop is a fast and easy way to get them to you as soon as you need them! (Now!)

You might ask, "Hold on a second, why should I believe this isn't a scam?" Well, because with currently over 3 million members and a life time earning of over 4 million USD - Points2shop is the best site out there. Legally, advertisers pay P2S for clicks to their sites. And as a member, when you click through to these sites and do as specified you earn points in return, which can then be redeemed for free Playstation Network Points! Simple as that.

You may be concerned about security and fraud. Don't be. Points2shop only uses your information for the shipping of products.
(Which are delivered to you through Amazon)

As a bonus offer, points for here can also be redeemed for anything you can find on Amazon - Games, controllers, headsets, and the best of all brand new Playstation systems! No charge to you!

So... What do I do to get my free Playstation Network Points?

1.) Take a second to signup here.
2.) Confirm registration through your Email address (Important so you can get the points Emailed to you!)
3.) Earn some points and get help for other users/gamers.
4.) Get your Free Playstation Network Points emailed to you!

Happy earning!